"..Would you be friend with me..??"
"..Why do i need friends??"
~ i need friends for many reasons, no matter wut d time, d day and d season is ~

" ..Friend is someone who thinks you are good even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.."

"..A friend is someone who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.."

"..We need friends to comfort us when we are sad, to laugh with when we are glad.."

"..We need friends to give us good advice, someone we can count on to treat us nice.."

"..We need friends to remember us when we have passed, sharing memories that will always last.."

"..We need friends to help us solve our troubles, and to share good times so the joy is doubled.."

"..We need friends, because we want to let somebody know and share about our deepest thoughts, our ideas, and our real emotions.."

FRIENDS, They never leave your side, even in the worst of circumstances. When you are sitting with a friend, you dont feel the need to say words. They will understand even you are in silence..
"..Everyone hears what you say, Friends listen to what you have to say, Best friends listen to what you dont say.."
"..The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversations you've ever had.."
"..The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversations you've ever had.."
***This is my physiology of friendship***
"..Would you be friend with me..??"
"..Would you be friend with me..??"
~ m00d song "my wish", Rascal Flatts ~
heee...nice to be ur friend..teman sepanjang hayat adalah teman yg snggup berkongsi suka dan duka..^_^
link blog sufy..post baru cintan cintun..tq~
nice to be ur fren too sufy.. ;)
det is wat friendship is all about.. ;))
bnyk gak muke aku interprem!=p
temkiu beb!
muke ko??
aku x nmpk pon muke kat situh..
xde pon ain...yg mne nieh???
never thnk u coz i wont reply it..
just give me a hugs!! cos i will ask for more!!heheh.. =))
no more hugz!=(
nuezz : hehe..tq!! yes would b forever i guess!! ;)
miss ain : Ain kemooot!! =P (sian awok!) hahaha..
awok aku terkuar!!!!=(((
~hugz utk awok jer!ahakz
bahasa ~f~
~afalongfong canfantekfek blogflog~
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