"im getting well!!! lalalalala..im happy today!! so happy!! =))"

"say, thank you Allah..thank you Allah..once again, Alhamdulillah =))"

I stood up!!shock!!..bcos, i got my pizza n a bunch of chocolates yesterday!! them all were so nice!! thanx guys!! love it..like it.. so much!! tetibe rse mcm nk saket selalu je,,hehe...(x baek nye sy nieh)..ala guraw2 jek!! thanx for d care n love..really2 appreciate it!! anyway..jgn la kasi pizza n choc time org saket je..kasik selalu pon ok2 je..sebesa padang bola sy tadah kan!!hahaha..
I just love choc so much..sbb tuh tembam cm nieh..haishh chocolate, chocolate..why la korg ni sedap? hehe =P
x lupe jugak kepada Nuezz sbb tolong sy edit gmba ni..klo x ssh la nk upload pictures..thnx ek!!
Today is my lil brother's birthday..Muhammad Halif..sorry alif, along xde kat umah..InsyaAllah, der is a present for u..(wondering, wat would i buy for him erkkk?)..hurmmm??haaa..buku!! sbb die mls blaja..x macam akak die rajen blaja..(ahahahaha,,ye ler sgt tuh)..
hmm okey..once again thnx to family..for d pizzas n chocs..thnx so much!! thnx to nuezz for d editted pictures..and thnx to frens for d concern!! =)
~Alhamdulillah, im getting well!! =))~
rajen gilerr la ko..
adik2 ko mmg patot contohi ko..
aku saket xdpt cokelat ngan piza pon!=(
untuk halif;
hepi bezday!semoga pjg umor dan dimurahkan rezeki..blaja rerajin!jd ank dan adik yg baek!
tanam pokok bnyk2, oksigen kat bumi da maken kurang!heee..=p
nuezz : btol2..patot..mmg patot weyh!! XD
miss ain : hahaha..die mmg tanam n still tanam weyh..kat umah aku oxygen x ckop!!hahaha..
nak coklat jugak jue...
hehe sedapnye coklat...
nnt kite kua aku blanje ko coklat nak??
haha... take care k...
bl kt nak kua ni jue??
lame x jmp ko... hehe =p
haaa ana..once ko da ckp..
aku tuntut smpai ko pengsan kat choc boutique nnti!!!hehe..
skrg aku kat umah anti aku laaa..next week bru blk kot..nnti kite kua k!! aku roger nnti!! =))
aku saket x dapat ape2 pon.pon.pon.pondan la.xebst sakit aku neh.haha.ulcer je.mane taraf ngn mycoplasma infection.teeehhhheee
ape daa.nak sakit plak.weell,jage kesihatan kayh~
alhamdulillah ko dh sht...
yg pasal blog aku tu..
mmg internet prob..
skunk dh pakai jaring...
ok dah..
thanks ok...
hav a nice day..
whoa..mycoplasma infection? cmne jue "ter"infected? get well soon k? and happy birthday to your brother =)
chocs n pizza?! nak sakit jgak la cmni hehehe
cik ain : ain, ulcer2 pon saket wooo..still ulcer lg ke cik adek oi??meh DR Jue rawat meh..aku kasi ubat yg terbest skali..=D
bkn sje je nk saket arr..bile saket ni trase di sygi lebey woo!! hek3..
mia : thnx bebeh..no hal la..u too take care k!
lena : xtaw la terinfected cm ne fara..hentah mycoplasma mne tah yg infect jue!! =D..tq!! da baek da now..
haha..nk saket ye!! ;)
amboi... nak tuntut smpy pengsan aku??
abes la aku...
hahaha tuntut la jue oi...
jgn lupe plak nnt...
haha aku xkan ingatkan...
wokeyh ko jgn lp rodger tau nnt...
hehe x saba nak mkn kek ko blanje ni... =p
hahahaa..sje je nk ingt kn aku ek!!
ye, aku blnje nnti..skali ngn tokei2 die aku kasik!!hahaha..
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