This is taken from miss Ain's blog..A tag!! try to do it for d first time.. ;)
1. The rules are simple.
2. First, open your Google Image Search Engine.
3. Then, answer the questions below by search the photo related in the only fisrt page of the search engine.
4. Next, post the photo as your answer. You may put an eloberation under the photo.
5. Last but not least, tag your favourite friends (Unlimited).
3. Then, answer the questions below by search the photo related in the only fisrt page of the search engine.
4. Next, post the photo as your answer. You may put an eloberation under the photo.
5. Last but not least, tag your favourite friends (Unlimited).
1. Your favourite nickname
jue, jueli,juliana,ct,along,juju!! anything related to my name was my fav..especially juliana n juju..whenever my mother mad at me, she used to call me "juliana..owh juliana"..tuh tande die marah la tuh..meaning, i have to watch out... eheee..another nickname was "juju", it sounds manje rite!! ahaaa.. ;)
jue, jueli,juliana,ct,along,juju!! anything related to my name was my fav..especially juliana n juju..whenever my mother mad at me, she used to call me "juliana..owh juliana"..tuh tande die marah la tuh..meaning, i have to watch out... eheee..another nickname was "juju", it sounds manje rite!! ahaaa.. ;)
2. Your favourite place to go
CAIRO, it happens since i was in form 5..after SPM, i spent most of the time reading novel..n one of the novel attracting me to cairo is a beautiful city, with many classical, historical things!!
CAIRO, it happens since i was in form 5..after SPM, i spent most of the time reading novel..n one of the novel attracting me to cairo is a beautiful city, with many classical, historical things!!

3. Your favourite color
PURPLE..Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors.. i love purple!! =)
PURPLE..Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors.. i love purple!! =)

4. Your favourite dress/clothes
ladies casual..A jeans with blouse or simple tshirt with tudung laa!! simple is d best..
ladies casual..A jeans with blouse or simple tshirt with tudung laa!! simple is d best..

5. Your favourite food
Always!! moist chocolate cake!! nyum3..
Always!! moist chocolate cake!! nyum3..

6. Your favourite drink
Always!! ice lemon tea..sweet + sour exotic taste ever!!haha..
Always!! ice lemon tea..sweet + sour exotic taste ever!!haha..

7. Your favourite fruit
MANY!! but, the most fruit tat i like to eat was "granny smith" green apples..they are juicy, crispy, sour fruit!! euwww, imagine how d taste like!! nyummy nyummy =D
MANY!! but, the most fruit tat i like to eat was "granny smith" green apples..they are juicy, crispy, sour fruit!! euwww, imagine how d taste like!! nyummy nyummy =D

8. Your favourite veggetable
Always!! greenny, fleshy broccoli..masak la ape2 pon..set jek!!
Always!! greenny, fleshy broccoli..masak la ape2 pon..set jek!!

9. Your favourite animal
White horse!! haha..konon2 mcm fairytale sket laa..( pgg kude pon x pnh, tetibe nk suke kude!!) i do suke kude puteh.. ;)
White horse!! haha..konon2 mcm fairytale sket laa..( pgg kude pon x pnh, tetibe nk suke kude!!) i do suke kude puteh.. ;)

10. Your favourite body part
Dont noe!! xde yg menarek pon..i put face..cos i got chubby cheek mcm ain!! huhhh.. =D
Dont noe!! xde yg menarek pon..i put face..cos i got chubby cheek mcm ain!! huhhh.. =D

Im done doing dis things..huhhhh, lme gak siap kn bnde alah nih..happy tagging!! =))
~to ana n d geng..sile la wat tag ini~
~to ana n d geng..sile la wat tag ini~
cairo tuh...mcm len mcm jer!=p
yg len,omoz betol ape yg aku agak. ko akn jwb.=))
un chouchou..x termasok dlm jawapan no. 1 ke?
pastu color ko bukan "blue' ke?
juju!!sgt santeeek gamboo2 kamuuu.hehhehe.cairo?hoho
ain : eyh pe lak len mcm..bkn ko sallu dgr psl cairo ker?? moz btol? soulmate la katekn! ;)
nuez : ya rab!! unchouchou tuh GELI gile!!haahaa..ko pon unchouchou wutt??
cin ainmusa : tq!! bkn gmba aku nye!ahaha..yup cairo!! :DD
soulmate sejati!
amboi cairo..
aku stuju la ngan kwn2 ko kate yg cairo tu lain mcm je... hehe =p
xpe2 aku phm... haha...
jue aku nak wat gak...
cmne nak wat??
ajar la... =)
meh aku aja kat ym k!!
sng je ana.. aku pon miss ain yg aja! :DD
dat moist choc like wawawa...
rse nk makan lor..
tuh la, mcm nk mkn je!!..ingt x kek kat mtrx tuh..XD
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