It was a very beautiful saturday, november thirteen and it was like a blast day to me bcos, my very old2 bes fren came and stayed at my house for 2 days. we had a very good time together. We spend time going outing and meet up some other friends too
Since im just finishing my second triad posting, already presented my case write ups to supervisor, and completed my case write up it was kind a relieve!!
Triad posting consists of 3 postings within 8 weeks which are ear nose and throat posting, ophthalmology posting and anesthesiology posting. hectic? yup confirm2 lah hectic kan? bcos you need to complete all the things that you are assigned to do. Like wat one of the doctor said "triad posting is the time when you have to make urself busy with logbook, lectures, clinics, tutorials, and case write up". And 1 more thing, u have to complete all the things within a very short time
Having said tat, triad posting is one of the best posting bcos its a very different feeling compared to other major posting since you finished a posting in a very short time. saturday and sunday break feels like mid semester break even though its only 2 days holiday
Now, im on my way finishing anesthesiology posting. Anaes, an intresting posting too
Tak saba nk masok posting psychiatry..ley rilek2 siket
Before tat, x saba nk hbeskan posting triad ni jugak. Broga hills, here we come. InsyaAllah
~ listening to maher zain, insyaallah ~
he got such a wonderful voice isn't it?
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