Saturday, 27th November. We went to Broga Hills. Tell u wut, its a very nice place IF you able to reach the highest hills lah kan
We arrived at 6.30am, a little bit late from wut has planned (sorry guys for the lateness)
"nak pegi subuh2??along nnti jgn lupe bawak torch lite" pesan abah.
...and as expected, i didn't bring a torch lite. Stupid isn't it? luckily, by 6.30am its not tat dark untill u cannot see at all. sumore, there r so many people going up to the hills too
Feels like jungle tracking. tapi naseb baek lah xde lintah ke pacat ke ape. Naseb bek!! hehe..So, going up to the hills very tired. If you plan to go to Broga Hills, please, please, please lah bawa mineral water. Jangan jadik mcm sy, g daki bukit tak bawa mineral water. Spoil betol!
So, daki punye daki..sampai la puncak. u noe wut, feels sangat puas. Puas melihat alam ciptaan Allah. Sangat chantek. along the journey to the hills, i got to see a sunrise. Very very impressive. Chantek nye langit di kala itu. Mixed of colour from dark blue, lite blue, orange and white..sgt chantek..rays of sunshine fall to the green ground, lg lah..sgt chantek sekali
We were there untill 9am. 300 plus plus been captured. eheheheh. lepas naek bukit tuh, mestilah kene turun jugak kan? ehe, part turun ni mmg sy suke. Laju jek turun. weeeeee~
pictures will be uploaded later. Now a bit sleepy lorh..Tomorrow! yup, tomorrow i will start another "interesting" posting, i guess.. psychiatry posting
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