balloon as a prop! tak best sbb xde helium gas! was searching for it. tapi x dapat. tooooo bad
i was plan to have a balloons photoshoot. *sigh..maybe next time mya!
happy face of us!! really enjoy this lepak-ing. toooo santai for me.
haha. hilang keayuan tgk gmba kat bawah nih! 
gedik but cute. i like 
i love this picture. so very much 
love this picture tooooo..
mya was looking at me. and haaaah im giving a shy2 senyum sampai telinge!
penat melompat. luckily it was a friday evening. xde org! 
i miss sunset
looking at the sunset makes me miss him. why mehhhh? we doesn't have any memories related to sunset pun. it is kind of thing which i do not understand. at all. hehe
back to the main story here. thanks mia. for everything. thanks driving us safely and thanks for the effort to have a nice hang out with me and my lil sister. love you babe!
canteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek lah jue gmba2 kat atas. bile nak hang out ngn kite pulak....
bile awak cuti? nnti blk gombak watsapp kite ok!
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