Paediatric community visit, visiting tadika perpaduan somewhere in petaling jaya. Having lots of fun doing activities with the children Kids nowadays are so smart!! they did well in all the activities and game
Tutti Frutti time. Im so in love with this delicious yummy frozen yogurt (hurm trase teringin nak makan la plak bile tgk gmba nih!! )
we enjoying our own's choices of flavors
satisfied smile huh?
Seoul garden time!! enjoying so called Kimchie Soup with barbecue. ala2 buffet, all you can eat without limited time
So thats it!! first 7 weeks of final year, still survive after had gone tru first posting (baru first posting, kecohlah! hehehe) . 4 postings more to go. chayok2!!
**laugh when u can, apologize when u should, let go wut u cant change..
**love deeply and forgive quickly..take chances, give everything..
**learn from mistake but never regrets
**smile when u'r sad..der is nobody in dis beautiful world in loneliness..**
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