Author: ctjuliana /
i am me..

Have you ever write a letter to someone before

? to someone who you know will appreciate the surprise. to spill your thoughts and feelings out

. It may seem like a waste of time isn't it? but you’ll get to feel the absolute relaxing, inspiring feeling and touched while writing.
Letter writing is something which has forgotten nowadays right? which we use to call or message people, or access the internet to email one another, connect with each other via social networking websites esp facebook! Well such ways are easy at times, it doesn’t hurt to sit down and put pen to paper to write by hand. but it is significantly enjoyable if you write a letter to someone who you love, or who means a lot to you. if tat someone got a very pure heart, he/she will appreciate tat more than anything. it begins with surprisingly curious as he/she open that envelope, turning the pages, and ingesting each and every word as your eyes scan over your lover’s handwriting.
Isn't that sweet? weee~

Since i enter paediatrics posting, i get to know that every developmental milestones of your baby is very important. It really precious to see you baby as small as your palm getting bigger and grower!
I got the chance to see this one nice young mother, who had her own love letters compilation (like dairy book. chantek sgt!) regarding her so touched to see it! every chapter sweetly written by her. she begun the love letter to her baby by describing how happy she was by the time she knew she got pregnant, and she still write every single happy n sad moments until now! hoooh, chomeylnye! i'll make sure i also have one in the future!

so future2 mother in the world, lets start writing love letter to your baby!! hehe
" Writing a letter, its just you, the paper, the pen, and your thoughts. "