3rd April was ana's birthday and we did celebrate her birthday all the way from gombak to port disckson..happy 23rd birthday ana! tak sangke kite da twenties!! haigoooo..
We sempat visits due pantai, and as expected the view were not so nice sebab malam loh..tapi tak mengapa, we still having our fullest enjoyment there~
As we were on the way to the beach..we were chatting about few things tat make us realized tat we were adult already..we were talking about work, we did talking about marriage, and we did talking about delivering a baby!! owh, tidak!
We sempat visits due pantai, and as expected the view were not so nice sebab malam loh..tapi tak mengapa, we still having our fullest enjoyment there~
As we were on the way to the beach..we were chatting about few things tat make us realized tat we were adult already..we were talking about work, we did talking about marriage, and we did talking about delivering a baby!! owh, tidak!
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