" yeay!! happy - birthday - to - me !!" heheh!
a simple surprise birthday cake and im truly sorry for the simple celebration dear
wishing you a happy birthday
Semoge panjang umur dumurahkan rezeki dan sihat2 selalu
lol , jules.
Menyusur di kaki lima
Terlihat bayang wajah kelmarin
Tersentuh hati bagai luruh
Tanya sama pokok apa sebab goyang
Jawab angin yang goncang
Terbang burung terbang
Patah sayap diduga
Seandainya rebah
Kau masih ada
Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam
Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam
Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Tanya sama pokok
~ listening to pokok, meet uncle hussain feat hazama ~
nice song
Its the scariest thing ever to realize how much someone means to you. When it really hits you, all these thoughts and questions rush tru your head at once. A sad emotion even starts to creep up on you slowly inch by inch as you start to wonder.
And..what if for some reason things dont work out? how are you possibly going to live without them?
Someone that once a stranger is now the only person you know like the back of your hand. Someone you once had no emotions for now has the power to break your heart. Someone you never used to hang out with now owns most of your time. Someone you never thought you'd love now owns you entire heart.
Someone you once lived without, you now wish to hold onto forever?
and that is wut we call love isn't it?