Author: ctjuliana /
i am me..,

It starts with the ticket things. We planned to watch harry potter part 1 at the first place but too bad, the time was not really satisfy us since harry potter takes 2 and half our, we decided to watch Rapunzel (im not really into cartoon things, but for the sake of releasing tension, y not rite??) he he he he..

There was a funny story behind these tickets anyway, thanks Abg ticket for giving us chance to buy reservation tickets with student's price. Berbaloi betol walaupon terpakse berator beli ticket 2 kali..haha

Right after i took dis picture requested by Aida, suddenly, a chinese salesgirl came and says.. " please do not take picture. you are not allowed to.." kehkehkeh..padan muke kami yek..hehe, lg pon kecah je minah tuh eh..ktorg bley je beli, cume xnak je..haha

Meet lots of big big cutest teddy bears!! i wonder, after this christmas finish wut would they do with those teddy bears ha?? jual murah ke, klo ye, sye org pertame yg nak beli!! heehee, sedap gile pelok kot..besar! ley wat tilam da haa..

@ nandos
@ nandos
I jus love dis scene. Romantic isn't it? heeeeee!
I must say, Rapunzel is awesome! 5 stars movie okeyh..worth to see it. I watched it two times beb. double awesome!
Somemore, Rapunzel is so cute and Eugine is so so handsome! idong mancung gile..(grafically la kan..hehe)~ listening to Katherin McPhee, terrified ~
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