chit chat - gossiping

choosing the best-worth menu for berbuka

ramdhan promotion menu 2 chosen
worth ke? hurmmm..


posing after tawaf parking lot

tawaf'ing' parking lot. sempat je pose

after berbuka - everyone gained energy

bergambar - excited

i like dis picture

dis one too

i really love dis picture

you guys mmg berbakat eh? good!


bowling time

team A : Raden, Mina, Fiza and Akramin
team B : Zahin, Fikri, Ana and me
team B menang!
team A, you guys owe us an ICE CREAM!

karoke @ wangsa walk

how excited she is

ana-zahin make a very good duet

the most silent guy at tis moment

sahur time @ steak house


finally we had a gathering for berbuka puasa
fabulous 2010
only 8 peoples can come

though, we still had a very fun day
miss my other beserian
. friends .
. cubemates .
. teachers .
and ofcos our memories there..

love, jules
wish you happiness
thanks dear :)
im wishing the same for you :)
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