Last day jkm posting. everybody got their things pack-in. so do i. happy to be back to hukm. to be back home. to be back to KL. to be back to see my beloved ones. family, frens and my cutie rumet, miss ain. wahhh, rindunye semue org!
i've learn so much while i was here. everything outside the ward especially. there are so much things you have to knoe other than your ECG. More than that.
People always see public health is a common, small thing. People takes granted of it. They dont knoe, public health also plays an important role in order to make sure that our country is safe from dangerous diseases.
Long time ago, i've seen Medicine and Society subject really boring. Less important than my patology, anatomy, physiology subjects. But now, Jkm posting has opened my both eyes of it importance.
JKM posting here in Tanjong karang, was the best posting i ever had. Not to say i dont like clinical posting like surgery, medicine and obstetric and gynecology. It just tat, the surrounding is totally different. Something new to be felt after i have gone tru 3 clinical postings before. They are so tiring. really. Either clinical or public health both are fun on their own and style. Experiences that are precious for me :)
Leadership and Friendship. I've got to learn this also while i was here. Here, you can see so many personalities. Caring, loving, self-fish, hot-temper, hardworking, lazy, humble and most important is they still your friends. No matter what personality they had, you have to deal with them.
I got many things to be learn from now on :)
~ listening to sesekali diuji, nice ~
im sure u hapy wif ur day there,, come back wif sumthing new.. hahah
sape eh??
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