Author: ctjuliana /
i am me..,
who said life being a doctor is 'Mandom'??
life as doctors are thousands way cool!! hehehe..pepoyo lak ek?
i just finished reading our surgeons blog (ukm surgeons okey!) they are cool laaah..though, they 'quite' garang during teaching. They still like us. Human. Lots of funny things they wrote about! Their bebelan drove me to laugh!! tapi memang surgeons UKM nih cool2 belake ;)
Almost all surgeons have their blog. Tapi tak semue yang selalu update pon..busy kot! for sure la busy. surgeon tuh. =)
tapikan, ade satu entry pasal undergraduate students (sape lagi, kite la kan!=D). Wrote by our legend superhero admirable colorectal surgeon, Mr Ismail Sagap. He is a good surgeon-lecturer-teacher, and not denied good husband and father too. Ape yang ditulis oleh beliau memang sgt betul, our performance is declining days by days. We not study as hard as their time. We are very lucky to have many facilities here in HUKM. We got trainee lecturers, housemen, MO and they (surgeons) teaching us! As compared to their time long time ago whereby they do not have so many people teaching them. And not to forgot, many of them said "budak2 sekarang nih manje"..huhu..
Another one more surgeon. He is really superb laaah!! A very humble, soft spoken surgeon, tapi sangat hebat. I still remember wut Mr faizi told us last time. "HE. he is the man!!". Yes he is. I do agree~ He wrote his blog as well. And after reading it, then only i know he's been to Gazza baru baru ni to help mangsa mangsa perang rejim Zionis. So heart wrenching =)

Muke org kat ats ni mcm muke Mr Azim la plak kn?huhu..
Mr. Azim pon sgt hebat! Banyak student yg admire him..being a vascular surgeon dalam usie yang sgt mude. Sape x kagom kan? heee~
Surgeons pon blogging jugak!!walaopon busy, they still having life like us ;)