"Lets keep them rolling guys"

Dah la ramai org maen!! satu kolej kot. Bayangkanlah.
Tapi, my good day kot. For the first time dapat high marks!hehe..3 strikes in a row. Turkey time.kehkehkeh..
my luck. Honestly.
before this, kalo maen.MasyaAllah.Ta terkate betape teroknyer.hehe
Our group chupa chupps, win some prizes.Good job guys. Ape yg penting, we did strike the stress!! sangat enjoy..
i think im gonna love playing bowling after dis ;)
~ listening to meet me halfway, black eyed peas~

I had a great weekend with them, Mellisa and Mahsuri..=)
Pektis bowling la kononnyer..before KTDI's bowling tournament. Hehe, kalau tak kerane merit, tak ade nye saye rajen nk masok tournament..hehe..Kitorg pektis bukan untuk terer, tapi sebab takot perkare2 yang memalukan terjadi semase hari tournament. Traumatised sket bab maen bowling ni..=D
Pektis bowling la kononnyer..before KTDI's bowling tournament. Hehe, kalau tak kerane merit, tak ade nye saye rajen nk masok tournament..hehe..Kitorg pektis bukan untuk terer, tapi sebab takot perkare2 yang memalukan terjadi semase hari tournament. Traumatised sket bab maen bowling ni..=D
Dah la ramai org maen!! satu kolej kot. Bayangkanlah.
Tapi, my good day kot. For the first time dapat high marks!hehe..3 strikes in a row. Turkey time.kehkehkeh..
my luck. Honestly.
before this, kalo maen.MasyaAllah.Ta terkate betape teroknyer.hehe
Our group chupa chupps, win some prizes.Good job guys. Ape yg penting, we did strike the stress!! sangat enjoy..
i think im gonna love playing bowling after dis ;)
~ listening to meet me halfway, black eyed peas~
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