~Fabulous Gathering 09~
yay!! Semalam hari yg best, seronok dpt kmpol ngn kekawan ramai2..
der is only 12 of us!! but, happening je 12 org pon..

yay!! Semalam hari yg best, seronok dpt kmpol ngn kekawan ramai2..
der is only 12 of us!! but, happening je 12 org pon..
Did i say 12 peoples jus now? well, Sepatotnyer Ana and Izwar oso join us..Tapi dorang terpaksa balek awal atas sebab2 tertentu..huhu
Did i say 12 peoples jus now? well, Sepatotnyer Ana and Izwar oso join us..Tapi dorang terpaksa balek awal atas sebab2 tertentu..huhu
Antara aktiviti yang kami buat pd hari itu :

Maen bowling
2 kali tuh maen bowling
we separated ourselves into two teams

too fun,
till i got my left tibia injured
shame shame woo!! (*_*)

pergh..larat dorg ni menyanyi di siang hari
waktu puase pulak tuh.. ^_^
hikhik, no komen ;)
well, asal mereka gembira!!
tounament game!!
haha..mcm budak2 tapi enjoy laaa..
Decision making!
which restaurant we wanna go?
for buke puase..

Lastly, we went to Kenny Rogers
untuk berbuka puase bersame2..

Sesi bertangkap gamba di sekitar putrajaya
Lawa gile Putrajaya di malam hari..
waktu siang xley nk appreciate sgt!!
tp waktu malam..
mmg lawa!!
last but not least, thanx to all the members,
especially to Mr Zahin Ilman,
yg sgt bersusah payah
utk gathering ni..
~ Listening to battlefield, jordin sparks~
Maen bowling
2 kali tuh maen bowling
we separated ourselves into two teams
- team X : fiza, pali,fikri,zahin,aziah
- team O : raden,izham,mina,husna and me

too fun,
till i got my left tibia injured
shame shame woo!! (*_*)
pergh..larat dorg ni menyanyi di siang hari
waktu puase pulak tuh.. ^_^
hikhik, no komen ;)
well, asal mereka gembira!!
haha..mcm budak2 tapi enjoy laaa..
which restaurant we wanna go?
for buke puase..
Lastly, we went to Kenny Rogers
untuk berbuka puase bersame2..
Sesi bertangkap gamba di sekitar putrajaya
Lawa gile Putrajaya di malam hari..
waktu siang xley nk appreciate sgt!!
tp waktu malam..
mmg lawa!!
last but not least, thanx to all the members,
especially to Mr Zahin Ilman,
yg sgt bersusah payah
utk gathering ni..
~ Listening to battlefield, jordin sparks~
ooo....buat gathering x ajak...sob..sob... :(
kami xtaw la abin ade kat malaysie..
ingt kn x balek..=D
soory yek..
len kali blk mlysie bg taw laa..
lor...xpe la..insyaAllah nnti bgtau.. :)
hepi tgk korg hepi!=DD
thnkiu beb..
hepy sesekali kmpol..
ssh gile nk kmpol reramai nih..
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