Last nite i watched this old romantic movie..a movie called "If Only" which was released in 2004..Played by Jennifer love Hewit as Samantha, a happy go lucky Musician in London and Paul Nicholls as Ian, a very busy obsessive businessman.
The story is about days in the life of Samantha and her boyfriend, Ian, in which Samantha feels tat Ian takes her for granted making Samantha feels to be ignored and less important in Ian's life..Samantha who seems to want nothing from his boyfriend except to love him, and be loved in return..until at one nite they had a big fight and almost broke up, it was a nite where Samantha is hit by a car in front of Ian while she was in a taxi.
Its only then that Ian realizes what he had, for what has his girlfriend did to him, for him to be lucky to have a girlfriend like Samantha..and how he realized tat he had been taking Samantha for granted..but, ofcos its too late for him to realize. Luckily, surprisingly, when Ian wakes up the next morning, Samantha is alive again..Thats when he realizes that all of that was a dream.
Strange is, the day is like a repetition to him. He knows about the day's upcoming events!! As the day proceeds, everything that happened in his dream actually happens for real. He realized tat he was given a second chance to correct his mistakes.
He changed!! He changed!!
He takes good care of Samantha…he shows his love to Samantha…shows it by doing things that she always wanted and appreciated…He is scared, really scared deep within, that Samantha is going to die today. He tries so hard to save Samantha's life from being hit by a car, but fate will be not denied.. Its even more surprise to see how Ian try to fight destiny and how the story ends..
(unpredictable ending woo)
Credit to my friends Assila and farah lena for this great movie u all recommend.. :)
i make a copy for u..till to see u soon ana!
My fav dialogues from the movie:
Samantha : Ian, I know you have the best intentions, but I feel like I’m a really high second priority to you. That hurts. And the worst part is I’m starting to get used to it.
Ian : I don’t understand.
Samantha : I know. That’s what kills me.
If there had just been one day Ian, one day where nothing else matters but us.
Ian : I adore you.
Samantha : I don’t want to be adored, I want to be loved.
~Listening to 'release me', Agnes ~
aku xtgk ag cte ni!
mst tgk ni..
tp kene donlod dulu..
mendalam betol maksod dialog tuh!
aku suke!=))
x yah dwnload..
aku ngn assila ade copy die..
nt amek aku..
siok cite nieh..
ade 1 ag cite nih..hehehe..
mksd die mndalam beb..
bnyk ag dialog2 best...=D
nak jugak ...
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