i miss you..
i miss home..
i miss mak and abah..
i miss my adek..
hmmm...i miss them all...=(
After 1 year stay kat rumah..
Terasa Asrama kat sini mcm penjara la plak!!
naseb bek ade housemate best..
naseb bek Encik Amza bawak kerete..
hehe..ley enjoy2 d mlm hari ketika Cortisol level tgh memuncak!!
i miss home..
i miss mak and abah..
i miss my adek..
hmmm...i miss them all...=(
After 1 year stay kat rumah..
Terasa Asrama kat sini mcm penjara la plak!!
naseb bek ade housemate best..
naseb bek Encik Amza bawak kerete..
hehe..ley enjoy2 d mlm hari ketika Cortisol level tgh memuncak!!
i miss my aunty..
hope aunty doing fine..
with d two craziest sons she had..
Zul Aiman n Zul Aidil..
Sorry aunty, kdg2 x smpat nk pick up ur call..
promise u, once i hve my "cuti"..
Rite Away i spend my time with you.. (^_-)
hope aunty doing fine..
with d two craziest sons she had..
Zul Aiman n Zul Aidil..
Sorry aunty, kdg2 x smpat nk pick up ur call..
promise u, once i hve my "cuti"..
Rite Away i spend my time with you.. (^_-)
p/s : man n aidil..do take care of mummy!!

im happy,
O&G..its not that bad..
Just..you have to be prepared before "angin puting beliung" datang mnyerang..
"Dr. boleh tlg saya x?"
yuhuuu...rasa mcm dah jadi Doctor..=DD
~ Listening to "so small", Matt G ~
im happy,
O&G..its not that bad..
Just..you have to be prepared before "angin puting beliung" datang mnyerang..
"Dr. boleh tlg saya x?"
yuhuuu...rasa mcm dah jadi Doctor..=DD
~ Listening to "so small", Matt G ~
2 penyakit homesick beb!
jd cm aku..
every week blk..
ktorg mmg best!yeayyy!
besh nye ada org pggl doctor! tula dulu suh blaja rajin2 tak nak.. bio failed x bleh go for bio course jealous tgk org... ish3.. ni jealous positive ya.. =D
MISS aIN : my heart sicks lohh...
amboi cik ain kite!!
tgk la nnti..
pasni aku postg surgery plak!
aku plak blk tiap mnggu..=P hehe..
korg mmg beshh!!!
salut laaaaa....
messa : haha..lilek2..medic pon bkn best sgt weyh..enjoy time trlalu limited...(sigh....)
xtaw la cm ne nnti klo da brfamily...pape pon!!
aku pon jeles tgk ko!! nk hbes blaja da!! aku plak....3 tahon lg ma..(tu pon klo lps la..) =D
hehehe..i guess all we need is a lil time for adaptation =)
way to go, doctor!! ;)
p/s: posting IM pun blk every week...hehe
i anak yang soleh maaa
musti la rajin tepon mummy dia..
Lena : yes!! smngt sket..nk jadi doctor kne kuat!! hectic life is routine.. =.=
p/s : u mmg slaloo blk pon...since 1st year! i noe!! =DD
paul smith konon..
yek..nk muntah!!! ank soleh dgr ckp mummy die..bkn memeningkn kpale mummy die..ude fhm? =DD
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