
Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

saya mahu pulang
walaupon life kat tanjong karang seems to be happier than HUKM

hati memberontak ingin pulang
ingin ingin ingin ingin ingin pulang
aku mahu pulang :((
kerana aku rindu
rindu kamu kamu kamu kamu dan kamu
saya rindu mak ^^
mak...... ='(

~ listening to a song for mama, boyz two men~

b a n g k i t

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

a y u h
b a n g k i t l a h

w a h a i
k a w a n k a w a n k u

"You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got and remember what you had. Always forgive and never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret"

"People change, things go wrong, just remember life goes on.”


hear me my dear friends,

One day Love met Friendship.
Love asked,’Why do you exist when I already exist?’
Friendship replied, ‘To put a smile where you’ve left tears.”

p/s : things are easy to say, i noe. but, to tell you the truth don't wait for someone that doesn't care about you. someone that takes you for granted. its thousands more precious if you try to learn to love somebody that loves and cares after you.

You don't realize how much someone means to you till they're gone.

~ listening to feelhoney, kisah cinta~


Author: ctjuliana / Labels: , , , ,

it was a beautiful friday evening. everyone get excited to relax their mind and soul. really enjoy that moments guys. we walked along by the beach, we laugh at every funny creatures we saw, we touched our heels and toes to the sea foams, we looked for unique sea shells, we enjoyed listening to every sounds that we heard, we got to feel wind blowing softly.. everything make our friday evening to be perfect.

Dear sunset,
how beautiful you are,
with the meaningful pretty colours of yours,
so are the birds and their sounds,
i love to see you
untill you falls down

Dear you,
even if you are far away
even if you are not around
we will be watching the same sunset
as it is one of the most Allah's creatures
Subhanallah, maha suci Allah

just beyond the sunset,
i know my promise is on its way
i'll be waiting for you

~ listening to maher zain, open your eyes ~

dudu and wiwi

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

dudu and wiwi!!
dudu ni milik cik haida
wiwi ni pule milik saye!!
hehe..so cute!! :D

si dudu berbaju le pulak
wiwi ni tak berbaju lah..
shame2.. :D
ishk..kene beli baju ntok wiwi nih..
nk lawan dudu n mummy dudu.. ;)

saye semakin sukekan whitey bears!
kan best kalau ade whitey bears yang kembar!
tp x penah jmpe la plak kan..haha
kalau la ade, comfirm beli nieh!

harini juge,
on the way balik dari fieldwork,
i've seen one couple husband n wife walked with their twins!
2 twins okey..
tersangatlah chomeyl.. :)
nanti2 saye pon tringin nk anak kembar lah :D

~ listening to blow me a kiss, git fresh ~

jkm oh jkm

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

5th week of jkm posting.

really enjoyable. laughter. joy. fun. happy. cheer.
everybody getting closer.
eat together, play together, work together, study together
people tat i never knew before, never talked to each other before now become really really close.
in fact, we can give a hugs to each other!!

i love jkm posting.
so so different compared to life in HUKM.

panas sangat la kat sini..
muke da macam warne apam balek!

jkm posting nak habes da..
so sad! final exam nak dekat da!! so horrible!
reseat for ong posting pon nak dekat da..terribly horrible!!

ong lagi.. t i d a k !!
tapi..belaja ong best..
sy suke!
tapi....atas nama ong = org2 garang..
SERAM la pulak..haihhh...

my undelivered message

Author: ctjuliana / Labels:

s a y a p e n a t

c u k u p l a h

my unspoken words. my undelivered message

inner voice

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

yesterday was a history

today is a blessing

tomorrow is another day


When one door of happiness closes, another opens
but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us

hey beautiful, cheeer ups! :)
its another beautiful early morning
give it a pray may it will bless by Him

~ my inner voice, so juliana ;) ~


Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

lenaku terganggu,

"jue aku minte maaf aku naek gile smlm.aku blurr jue. ko kawan yg baek. aku sayang kau"

alangkah bagusnya jika kau tidak melemparkan kata2 semalam :)

ketahuilah, mana mungkin hati ini berkecil untuk sekian lama. beriku masa dan ruang untukku kembali bersemangat. tiba masa aku kembali mendengar rintihan hatimu.

cerita hati

Author: ctjuliana / Labels:

suatu hari, pen bertemu kertas. coretan ungu pada tiap helaian kertas terasa begitu indah. setiap kali perasaan ini terasa berat, pen mencari kertas. begitu penting nye kertas bagi pen. pabila dilanda berbagai emosi pen sangat suka menari di permukaan kertas yang bisa memberi ketenangan kepada pen. seperti mana pen dan kertas begitulah pentingnya mereke pd diriku. merekalah tempatku meluahkan segalanye.

harini hari yang sangat malang buat diriku. mindaku terasa sarat yang amat sangat. dada terasa pedih dan berat. hulu hati terasa ngilu. tetapi bibir ini masih tersenyum. masih bisa menuturkan kata kata riang. bisa ketawa bergurau ria. namun, hatiku tetap sayu.

rintihan hati tidak dapat disorokkan. walaupon kucuba menahan, air mata tetap menuruni tiap lekuk pipi ku. makin aku sekati makin laju ia mengalir. makin aku menafikan makin kuat ia meruntun jiwaku.

aku. aku juga punya hati. aku juga punya perasaan yang kenal erti sakit. aku juga manusia biasa seperti kau. aku juga punya cerita hati yang ingin diceritakan. aku juga punya masalah seperti kau. aku juga punya komitment. cuma apa yang membezakan adalah kau dan aku. cara kita berbeza.

ku pinjamkan telinga dan bahu ku untuk mu dikala kau memerlukan. ku dengarkan tiap rintihanmu, tiap masalah yang membebanimu..tetapi izinkan aku bertanya..dimanakah kau tatkala aku amat memerlukan? siapa pula yang akan mendengarkan diri ini? siapa pula yang akan menjaga hati ini? aku, hatiku..akulah pemujuk sang hati yang setia.

tetapi, hari ini, hati ku terlalu sakit sehingga kan pabila aku memujuknya, ia terus terusan pedih, sebak di dada, bergenang air mata. hati ini terlalu immune dengan pujukan ku sendiri. apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk merawat hatiku?

kata kata yang kau lontarkan amat menikam tiap sudut hati ini. terasa diri ini hanya diperlukan dikala kau kesusahan. kau, kau dan kau..cukoplah sampai disini. cukoplah. ingin aku jeritkan kata kata ini pada kau agar kau bisa merasai apa yang aku rasai. agar ko bisa faham apa yang ingin aku kau fahami. mengertilah, aku juga punya hati.

maaf andai kata hati ini menjauh. maaf sekiranya aku pemendam setia.

wahai tuhanku. jauhkan aku dari sasaran keresahan ini. sejukkan hati ku ya Rabb. tenangkan jiwa ku. beriku sedikit kekuatan dan kesabaran. aku tidak keseorangan kerana aku tetap ada kau. tempat kucari ketenangan abadi. sesungguhnya suluhkanlah hatiku dengan cahayaMu. amin.

"aku tidak mendedahkan keresahanku jauh sekali untuk aku meminta agar kau mendengarkan"

~ listening to metafora ~

n a s y e e e d

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: ,

sudah lame rasenye tak dengar lagu2 nasyeed, macam dulu dulu. Once in a while, i do listening to nasyeed especially when i wake up very early in the morning.

"jue da x dgr nasyeed da ke?"

"dengar tapi da x selalu mcm dulu"

"lagu nasyeed banyak manfaat die jue. eloklah kalo dgr selalu, moge x leke"

we shared some songs. few new nasyeed songs. indie nasyeed especially. thanx fren. terase mcm dulu dulu :)

thanx for remind me..aksara jujur from you. metafora personafikasi from you. i apreciate it so much :)

~ listening to nice, sesekali diuji ~

why do i love rain

Author: ctjuliana /

i love rain. i just love it. i love to see the rain. i love to hear how the rain sounds like. i love the smell after the rain. its smell when it falls and wet out all over the earth.

but, there has been no rain these few days. i miss you.

Today, while im taking my shower. suddenly i closed my both eyes and ears. it makes me feel like i was in the rain. i really feel the waterdrops pelting me, sliding down my face making my vision became blurry. it cause me a feeling of calm and peacefulness when the waterdrops wash over me.

i never appreciated it before. it was so cool and fits my mood perfectly :)

i love falling asleep to the sound of raindrops rhythmically hitting on the roof.

i love listening to the rain softly hit the windows at my room as I go to sleep.

It creates a feeling of comfort as it gently sleep me away.

it's very calming..

it's very relieving..

to rain, please fall down cause i've been miss you lately.

~ listening to the climb by ahmir ~


Author: ctjuliana /

it has been so long we didnt seeing each other. everyone busy with their own posting and studies.
me and husna at tanjong karang doing JKM, assila and amza at HUKM doing surgery while ain doing internal medicine. Last 2 days, we met. Though it was only for few hours. im so glad.

Sudah lame tak hang out together macam dulu-dulu. Thanks to persiap dinner, atleast we can met, sit and eat together at the same table.. :))

weeee..sape awek2 yang cun kat atas nih?? :D they are my buddies. kat hukm ni ade gune sistem buddy. The cute lady in dark pink kebaya was my 4yh year buddy, kak nad and the sweet lady in light pink kebaya, emma was my 2nd year buddy..(tinggi betol budak nih..die pakai heels 8 inchi okey!!)

for the first time we met and taking photos together..kerana ape? kerana adenyer dinner warisan mesra persiap lah..too bad, x jmpe buddy 1st and 5th year lah..

im in love. im in love with him.im in love with D60..addicted to take photos. nak jadi photographer la, xmo jadi doctor..boley tak eh? hehehe..

~listening to never knew i needed, by neyo~
nice and very sweet song.. ;)

my dear sunshine

Author: ctjuliana / Labels:

Woke up this morning
Another brand new start
I jumped with every beat of my heart
every lub dub im calling your name

I could see something was wrong
It really isn’t about you and me
its more to us
im sorry i've been insensitive towards you lately
im not intended to, trust me

my sunshine
Whenever you come over
im so happy
though i cant touch or even see you
you still make my day
as you give one big coulourful rainbow to me

You know,
I always wanted to be there
To be by your side
For each second of your breaths
To be your sunshine after the rain
Whenever the sky is turning grey
I wanted you to know that I'm never far away
So do you
I wanted the same way to be real
Sunshine after the rain
Together 'til the end

I wanna be your sunshine after the rain
As you are my sunshine after the rain

As long as I remember
You were always there
Singing along
There 's been some good and bad times
But we always somehow managed
To get something better

Remember - I’ll always be there

Some say that friends
will come and go
But for this special thing that we have
will always grow

i love you

i heart you

my dear sunshine,
I know - you’ll be fine

An Ordinary

Author: ctjuliana / Labels:

I . C o u l d . b e . t h e . O n e

I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift of everyday

I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what's to come
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm
I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well
I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I would lie here in the darkness
I would lie here for all time
I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you

I could be your worry partner
I could be your socialite
I could be your green eyed monster
I could be your force of light
I could be your temple garden
I could be your tender hearted child
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I would lie here in the darkness
I would lie here for all time
I would lie here watching you
Comfort you
Sing to you

Will I ever change the journey
Will the hushed tones disappear
Oh little Rita
Let me hold you
Oh little Rita
Let me love you

I could be your leafy island
I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure
I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small begining
I could be your soothing universe
I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

s e p e t a n g

Author: ctjuliana / Labels: , ,

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them" ~Desmond Tutu

had a great great beautifull friday evening with them. Capturing every single moments of their smiles and expressions made me just happy.

feeling of together. i love you all, always.., along.

~ listening to innesa, mad in love with you ~