~Release tension~
Puas bace buku arini..
lme sgt tak sentuh photoshop..
sekali buat..2 3 jam..gian!!hehe...
credit tuh nuezz..thnx beb!!
~in D mood of "no boundaries"..by Kris Allen..~
..G ! A N..
Author: ctjuliana / Labels: i am me..my 1st day..
Author: ctjuliana / Labels: i am me.."it is better for u to LEAVE dis field if
you cannot cope to it"
Pity me..
I was belong to GREEN TEAM..
Which i.....
my first day posting..
but yet,
i didn't feel it is interesting..
my first day posting,
and i really don't noe how to describe the O&G department in a right manner..
though i have learned Personnel and Professional Development..
Too bad for my first day posting..
So i think better get ready for d terrible, horrible things to happen next..
Jangan tertipu,
Not really SOMETIMES i think..
ITs rather to be ALWAYS..
~ Listening to Hating On d CLUB (O&G)..Rihanna~
You know what you want
But how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you gave me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fought to the limit you stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future's headed
Nothing's gonna bring me down
Jumped every bridge I've run every line
I risk being safe, I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
No boundaries
Yeah, there are no boundaries
"You'll make it through the pain Juliana..."
~A song from No boundaries by Kris Allen~

Hari ni First day masok posting..
konon2 bangun awal la nieh..hehe..
tp mmg terjage and troz tak bley tido..
cuak . nervous . takot . kecot perot
hope everything is going to be fine..
Lucky me if i were placed under Orange Team Supervisor..
Do pray for me ya!! =))
A song "no boundaries"..
sangat suke lirik lagu nieh..
kene pada mood aku yang baru nak layan posting O&G..
try to hear it..such a beautiful song..
makes u more spiritfull . motivated . Layan ~
"Bcos...You'll make it through the pain Juliana..."
Selfmotivated siket Di pagi hari nieh..=))
Thing tat i scared the most during my semester holiday suddenly became reality..
I got my first posting..and it is something tat out of my expectation..
Obstetric and Gynaecology,
The moment i knew bout my O&G posting..i feel so afraid..nervous..worried..sad..
"Could I survive with O&G posting?"
"How would it be? Is it really Difficult, worse like wut others said??"
I realized tat i couldn't go anywhere else..i couldn't even move if i keep on thinking tat way..
Wutever it is, i have to face it..
No matter how hard, how bad it is..it is my job, to learn, learn, learn and learn..
I have to accept these challenges so tat i can feel the exhilaration of victory someday..
InsyaAllah =))
~Pray everything will be fine for me and for All of us....Amin~
"Mountains cannot be surmounted except by winding paths. . .
-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe"
Starting to miss Aqeel Oredy .. =(
Taraaa~~ Aqeel da brumo 5 hari arini..
hes such a good + hensem + cute + macho baby boy..
Die nanges time nak susu je..laen laen masa die asyik tido..hehe..
lagi 1 kan, die ni suke btol tido time siang..tengah2 mlm pulak die suke berjage,, Kesiian mama and ayah die kene berjage mlm jugak!! =D
Aqeel, cpt sket besa tao..
mak ngah x saba nk tgk Aqeel bley lari,, =D
((= H M D =))
Author: ctjuliana / Labels: dedicationwhen I found it difficult
to believe in myself...
for saying what I've needed to hear sometimes,
instead of what I've wanted to hear...
for siding with me...
and for giving me another side to consider.
Thank you for opening yourself up to me...
for trusting me with your thoughts
and disappointments and dreams...
for knowing you can depend on me
and for asking my help when you've needed it.
Thank you for putting so much
thought and care and imagination
into our friendship...
for sharing so many nice times
and making so many special memories with me.
Thank you for always being honest with me
being kind to me...being there for me.
Thank you for being
a friend to me
in so many meaningful ways.
--Larry S. Chengges
~Listening to Song for mama by Boys 2 Men~
yayay!! gembira sangat sebab, saya da dapat seorang anak buah..hooray!! =))
~cute number isn't it??~
~ilham gamba dari http://radinaminurasyid.epikt.net/~
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best ....when you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Try as they may they could never define
What's been said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best...........When you say noting at all
Oh......The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best (say it best).. when you say nothing at all
(You say it best when you say nothing at all
You say it best when you say nothing at all..)
That smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know that you need me..
- Sepanjang hari, i spent my time wit Hafizah, my lower form fren..She wanted to find a present for her Boyfren..So, i helped her seeking the best present ever for her boyfren!! We got so many choices..furthermore, BIG SALE in KL now..weeee~
- Sepanjang malam nye pulak, i spent my time kemas segala benda yang berada kat atas meja study dan rak buku ku and put them into several big boxes..untuk di angkut pada 13 may nnti..yuhuuu~

~Nota untuk 4 semester, mane tak banyak kan?~

~Berat betul nak mngankutnyer..luckily ade adek lelaki kat rumah~
~Bile lagi nak mempergunakan die kan..hehehe..Time kaseh Halif sbb tlg along =D ~

~Kemas Jue, jangan tak kemas..Hardly susun them ( all the nota2) into their files~

Sekarang dah pukol 6.40 pagi da pon..badan terasa penat tp but why la mataku ini susah ntok ditutup..
Everybody in dis home dah sampai dreamland da pon..but me?? still mngadap dis old laptop.. tape, old2 pon i tetap syg u laa my lappy.. (^_^)
~Listening to Tika Dinihari, Mestica~